Principal's Message

Hon' Principal Mr. Vijay Arora
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
It is with great pleasure that, I welcome you all to Nanji Kalidas DAV Public School website.
“Education is a progressive discovery which gives us an understanding of the world with the opportunities to use knowledge wisely”. Education is a platform that makes people to stand out as equal with all other persons from different walks of life. It enriches the brain with new and valuable information while improving the ability to think, analyse and process the world around us. Education is the key that teaches us to stay calm when faced with problems and deal with challenges in a logical way.
Celebrating successes and acknowledge hard work of staff, students and community, is one of the contributors fundamental to a happy school environment.
In Nanji Kalidas DAV Public School, our staff set high academic standards for the students. The school strives the best possible efforts to impart strong values by combining academics and extra-curricular activities to the children. To convert every individual into a self-reliant and independent citizen, the school administers a blending of scholastic and co-scholastic activities. Although, academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is also dedicated to groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow, and encourage them to be socially relevant.
NKDAV Public School follows a process-oriented way of teaching where the teachers provide children to explore a wide range of opportunities to realize their own unique potential.
Parental involvement in the education process of child is both a gift for the child and the school as well. This partnership is greatly encouraged and highly valued.
‘Education breeds Confidence, Confidence breeds Hope and Hope breeds Peace’.
- Confucius.
We are fortunate to be backed by a team of parents and school management to attain our goal a successful one!
Thanking You,
Vijay Arora