Wellness Advisor

Dr. Vaishali Bose, Wellness Advisor

A Message From Wellness Advisor

N. K. D.A.V. Public School is a special place. There is a tremendous ethic of care, ensuring the health, safety, wellness, preventions and well-being of N. K. D.A.V. students is a critical priority for the School, and most especially for the Division of Student Affairs. We believe that wellness is central to students’ academic, personal, and professional success. Simply stated, in order for students to do well, they must be well. Our programs and services are intentionally designed to focus on students’ holistic health, addressing multiple dimensions of wellness, including physical, motivational, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. As a comprehensive unit within student affairs, the N. K. D.A.V. Health and Wellness team seeks to create a data-driven, integrated health and wellness program that fosters students’ personal and professional development as business leaders and entrepreneurs. My staff and I pride ourselves on being accessible to students and their families, and we look forward to partnering with you in our pursuit to promote health and safety among all members of the N. K. D.A.V. Community.